Netanyahu Leading Israel to Avoidable, but Obvious Defeat
Continue Reading: Netanyahu Leading Israel to Avoidable, but Obvious Defeat
Hard hitting global and local news
Continue Reading: Netanyahu Leading Israel to Avoidable, but Obvious Defeat
Real Estate Sales Collapse in Paris and Ile-de-France; New Home Starts Lowest Since 1998; VAT Hike to Make Matters Much Worse Mainstream media offers little on the stunning collapse of real estate sales in France, notably Paris and Ile-de-France.
Read this article: Somalian Psyops, Flu Fraud, War Crimes – New World Next Week
Continue Reading: Analysis: Gaza & the Politics of ‘Greater Israel’
 China’s Transition: Towards a Red Revival or Socialist Democracy?   November 17, 2012 ( Nile Bowie ) – As China’s 18th Communist Party Congress draws to a close, the world’s most populous nation prepares to install the country’s fifth generation of leadership since the Chinese Revolution of 1949
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