US Ambassador’s Death: Fruits of US Foreign Policy
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Louis Hooffstetter said…
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The Wall Street Journal reports Talk of Debt Restructuring Under New Program ‘Not on Table’ The European Central Bank won’t discuss potential write-downs on debt bought under its new bond-buying program, ECB executive board member Joerg Asmussen said Tuesday.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012 US-Backed Terrorists Murder US’ Own Ambassador in Libya Murdered US Ambassador exposes US "pro-democracy" foreign policy – same terrorists US backs in Syria are behind the murder of US Ambassador in Libya. by Tony Cartalucci Update : The picture below of John McCain in Benghazi, during the violent military subversion of Libya in 2011, includes the now deceased US Ambassador John Christopher Stevens on the right, wearing a blue tie. Stevens has now become a victim of the very terrorists he played a role in creating. The caption below has been edited to reflect this information.