That stagflation they predicted in 2009 doesn’t seem to be happening
More: That stagflation they predicted in 2009 doesn’t seem to be happening
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More: That stagflation they predicted in 2009 doesn’t seem to be happening
By using US State Department-listed foreign terror organization (#30) Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK) , the US and Israel have been waging years of covert war against the Iranian people . In March 2012’s " US State Department Hands Terror-Cult US Base in Iraq ," the history of MEK as well as advocacy for supporting its terrorist activities inside of Iran is exposed through a series of Western-media reports, government testimony, and US foreign policy papers. In February 2012’s " US Implausibly Denies Role in Israeli Terror Squads ," reports of both US officials admitting Israel’s backing of MEK terrorists to carry out assassinations inside of Iran, as well as evidence of US support for MEK are exposed.
View article: House Approves Sweeping, Warrantless Electronic Spy Powers; "The Program"; Are Your Emails Being Monitored? Mine Likely Are
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