Massacres in Aleppo, Syria
August 4, 2012Saturday, August 4, 2012 Massacres in Aleppo, Syria "Responsibility to Protect" crumbles as Western-armed terror front slaughters civilians while foreign sponsors attempt to tie hands of Syrian security forces. by Tony Cartalucci August 4, 2012 – For the people of Aleppo, their only hope is Syria’s security forces restoring order. In the pockets of Syria’s largest city the so-called "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) has dug into, a campaign of systematic detention, torture, and mass murder has been carried out against "enemies of the revolution." Demonized as either "Shabiha" or "government supporters," men have been rounded up, lined up against walls, and gunned down en mass . Others await barbaric " drumhead trials " where FSA warlords deal out arbitrary justice under the guise of "Sharia law." Image : The Western media is covering – or more accurately, "spinning" – an unfolding sectarian genocide in Syria’s largest city Aleppo
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Massacres in Aleppo, Syria